Information for Parents - Study Abroad

Information for Parents - Study Abroad

Information for Parents of Students Studying Abroad

Why should your son/daughter study abroad?

Studying abroad can be the most transformative experience in a student’s college career. Students gain a greater sense of independence, develop self-reliance, and deepen their understanding of themselves, their country and the rest of the world. Studying abroad is, of course, fun and exciting, but also a major investment in your child’s future.

ACADEMIC READINESS: Studying abroad offers students a broader perspective than can be found on campus. All the campuses we work with have diverse student bodies that will expose students to different customs and cultures. With a study abroad experience, students are always learning, inside and outside the classroom, day and night, seven days a week.

A DISTINCT RESUME: Only about 10% of US college students study abroad during their college careers. Employers and grad schools are recognizing the importance of globalization and international education in students’ lives. Studying abroad stands out on a resume and sets candidates apart from their competition once they enter the global marketplace or apply to graduate school. With the workforce becoming increasingly competitive, students need something to set them apart from their competition. Employers want someone who can successfully navigate in a cross-cultural environment.

A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE: The experience of actually living abroad, immersed in another culture, may never present itself to your son or daughter again, once careers are launched and families are started. Former study abroad students refer to their study abroad semester as the best time of their life. Many graduates who didn’t study abroad say they wish they had. So why not give your student the opportunity to do so?

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Office of International Education

Office of International Education

White Hall Room 252

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