Adding and Dropping Classes
The Academic Deadline Schedule lists the last day to add or drop courses*. If you drop a course after the last day to drop for the semester, you are actually withdrawing from the class. (Note: Students enrolled in online programs should contact the Online and Extended Studies office for adding and dropping classes at (315) 792-3001.)
Beginning with the Spring 2008 semester, you will be able to add and drop classes online using your Banner Web account during the standard add/drop period. Your academic adviser will give you the PIN required to access the system. If you try to add or drop a class after the standard add/drop period, you will have to submit a registration card (signed by your adviser) to the Registrar's Office**.
If you are adding a course after the end of the add/drop period, you must have permission of the instructor of the course as well as your adviser. They will need to sign the paper add/drop form, and you will have to submit the card to the staff in the Registrar's Office for processing**.
If you are changing sections of a course after the end of the add/drop period, you will only need the signature of the instructor of the class you are changing to (you will not need your adviser's signature).
*: Please note the Academic Deadline Schedule is an academic schedule and does not reflect any financial results of a late schedule change.
**: If your adviser is not available, please do not hold your registration card until you can meet with him/her. Please go to your Academic School's office and ask the Dean (or his/her designee) to sign the card for processing.
Click here for information about withdrawing from a class or from the College.