Tom J. Diana, Jr., Ph.D.

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Thomas J. Diana is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education at Utica College. He received his Ph.D. in Science Education and M.S. in Science Education from Syracuse University, and his B.S. in Biology from Utica College.
Tom's research and scholarship activities focus on science teacher development at both the preservice and inservice levels. He teaches both the elementary and secondary science methods courses at UC. He is currently a member of the Professional Development Committee for the Associate for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). Thomas is also the faculty advisor for the Alpha Delta Phi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Education) and the Education Club.
B.S. Utica College
M.S. Syracuse University
Ph.D. Syracuse University
Diana, T.J. (in press). Demystifying the role of misconceptions in science teaching. Accepted for publication in the journal New Teacher Advocate.
Diana, T.J. (2014). Co-teaching: Enhancing the student teaching experience. Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) Record 50(2): 76-80.
Diana, T.J. & Ghose, S. (2013). Enhancing teacher quality in the U.S.: Developing reform-oriented teacher education programs for elementary science teachers. US-China Education Review 3(10): 749-760.
Diana, T.J. (2013). Microteaching revisited: Using technology to enhance the professional development of pre-service teachers. The Clearing House 86(4): 150-154.
Diana, T.J. (2013). Developing reflective teachers with the research-based rationale. Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) Record 49(1): 26-29.
Diana, T.J. (2011). Becoming a teacher leader through action research. Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) Record 47(4):170-173.
Tillotson, J.W., Ochanj, M.K., & Diana, T.J. (2004). Studying the game: Action research in science education. In J. Weld (Ed.) The game of science education. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Courses Taught
UCC 101 - First Year Seminar
EDU 111 - Introduction to Teaching
EDU 321 - Foundations of American Education
EDU 337 - Adolescent Science Methods
EDU 344 - Science & Technology Methods: Birth - Childhood
EDU 471/571/671 - Student Teaching Seminar
EDU 475/476/575/576 - Student Teaching Supervision
EDU 511 - Introduction to Teaching
EDU 537 - Adolescent Science Methods
EDU 544 - Science & Technology Methods: Birth - Childhood
EDU 632 - Data-based Decision Making
Other Information
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays 10:30am - 11:30am, 1:00pm - 2:00pm, Thursdays 10:30am - 11:30am, 1:00pm - 2:00pm or by appointment
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