Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - January 2013

Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - January 2013

Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter

Issue 1, January 2013

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College

  1. Introduction
  2. Upcoming Events at the Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College
  3. Upcoming Conferences
  4. Recent or Forthcoming Publications
  5. Journal Special Issues & Calls for Papers
  6. Fellowships and Courses


The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College organizes an annual colloquium series, policy working groups, and conferences, under the direction of Christopher A. Riddle.

The Institute also produces a newsletter that is distributed thrice-annually, updating readers on recent developments in the field, of which this is the first issue.  The newsletter contains information about upcoming conferences, recent publications, journals, and related research programs. We hope that the newsletter will be of interest to anyone working in the field, whether in academia, the broader community, public service, or various non-governmental organizations. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this newsletter, please contact us at, or visit


The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College will host a public Colloquium on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 7 pm in the ECJS Carbone Auditorium at Utica College in Utica, NY.  Randall R. Dipert, C.S. Peirce Professor of American Philosophy, at SUNY Buffalo will give a talk on the ethics of cyberwarfare.  For further details please visit here, or contact us at


The Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts (Westmont College) will hold a conference on 21-23 February 2013, at Santa Barbara, California on “War and Peace as Liberal Arts.” Keynote speakers include Jean Bethke Elshain (Chicago University), Sherman Jackson (University of Southern California), Duncan Morrow (University of Ulster), Chris Eberle (United States Naval Academy), Helen Frowe (University of Kent), Eric Patterson (Regent University), and Gerald Mast (Bluffton University). For more information, visit:

The Social Ethics Research Group (University of Wales) will hold a conference on 19-21 March 2013, at the University of Wales, United Kingdom on “Ideals & Reality in Social Ethics.” Keynote speakers include Seyla Benhabib (Yale University), Geoffrey Hawthorn (Cambridge University), and Andrew Sayer (Lancaster University). For more information, visit:

The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion, and Philosophy will hold a conference on 28-31 March 2013, in Osaka, Japan on the issue of “Connectedness and Alienation: The 21st Century Enigma.” Proposals: Deadline for proposals is February 1st 2013. For more information, visit:

The Philosophy Program at the Graduate Center of the University of New York will hold a conference on 5-6 April, 2013 on the issue of “Experimental Philosophy: Possibilities and Limits.” Keynote speakers include Joshua Knobe, and Jennifer Nagel. Proposals: Proposals should be submitted no later than January 31st, 2013. For more information, email:

The USC Department of Philosophy and Center for Bioethics will hold a conference on April 12-14 2013, at the University of Virginia, Virginia on the issue of “Death: The Reality of an Idea.” Keynote speakers include Jeffery Bishop, Samantha Brennan, Donald Duclow, Shai Lavi, and Steven Luper. For more information, visit:

The Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies will hold a conference on 18-20 April, 2013 on the issue of “Pursuit of Justice: Understanding Hate, Confronting Intolerance, and Eliminating Inequality.” For more information, visit:

The University of Hawaii Center on Disability Studies will hold a conference on April 29-30, at the University of Hawaii, Hawaii on the issue of “Disability & Diversity.” For more information, visit:

The Society for Ethical Theory and Political Philosophy (Northwestern University) will hold a conference on 16-18 May 2013, at Northwestern University, Michigan on all areas of ethics and political philosophy. Proposals: an essay of approximately 4,000 words and an abstract of no more than 150 words should be submitted by February 15th, 2013. Email proposals to: (If: Graduate Student) or (If: Faculty). For more information, visit:

The University of Minho will hold a conference on May 20-21 2013, at University of Minho, Portugal on the issue of “Ethics and Political Philosophy.” Keynote speakers include, Peter Vallentyne. Proposals: A 300-500 word abstract with 5 key words should be sent by January 30th, 2013. Email proposals to: For more information, visit:

The University of Sheffield will hold a conference on 28 May 2013, on the issue of “the Relationship Between Political Theory and Politics.” Keynote speakers include Michael Freeden (Oxford University). Proposals: A 200-300 word Abstract should be submitted no later than February 15th 2013. For more information, email:

The Nordic Network on Disability Research and Finnish Association for Disability Research will hold a conference on May 30-31, in Turku, Finland on the issue of “Disability Research.” Keynote speakers include Eva Feder Kittay, Dan Goodley, Jan Grue, and Kalle Konkkola. For more information, visit:

The Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics (CSSPE) will hold a conference on June 3-5 2013, at the University of Victoria, Victoria BC on the issue of “Practical Ethics.” Keynote speaker will be Alex Wellington (Ryerson University). Proposals: An abstract of no more than 300 words may be submitted no later than January 31st, 2013. Email proposals to: For more information, visit

The University of Fatih will hold a conference on June 6-8, 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey on the issue of “Pluralism and Conflict: Distributive Justice Beyond Rawls and Consensus.” Keynote speakers include Renato Cristi (Wilfrid Laurier University), and Giovanni Giorgini (Bologna University). Proposals: an abstract of no more than one page should be sent by March 1st, 2013. For more information, visit:

The Society for the Advancement of Philosophy will hold the “Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2013” on 12-14 June, 2013 at Zagreb, Croatia. For more information, visit:

The Chinese University of Hong Kong will hold a conference on 18-20 June, 2013 in Hong Kong on the issue of “Philosophy of Criminal Punishment.” Keynote speakers include Tommie Shelby, and T. M. Sanlon. Proposals: A 250-500 word abstract should be submitted by March 15th, 2013. For more information, visit:

UAL & INSEIT will hold a conference on 1-3 July, 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal on the issue of “Computer Ethics: Philosophical Inquiry.” For more information, visit:

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) and the Australasian Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (ASACP) will hold a conference on 8-11 July 2013, on the issue of “Conflict and Harmony.” Proposals: a 200-300 word abstract should be submitted by February 15th 2013. For more information, visit:

The International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry (ISME) will hold a conference on July 25-28, 2013 at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA on the theme “Crafts, Traditions, and Ideologies: Relations Between Theory and Practice in the Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre”.  Confirmed keynote speakers include, Kenneth Sayre, Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame; David Solomon, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame; Ruth Groff, Professor of Philosophy, Saint Louis University. For more information, visit:

Disability Employment Australia will hold a conference on August 8-9, 2013 at Adelaide, Australia on the issue of “Disability Employment.” For more information, visit:
The University of Aarhus will hold a conference on 8-9 August 2013, at the University of Aarhus, Denmark on the issue of “Cooperation: Why, How, and With Whom?”. Keynote speakers will include Juliane Kämmer (MPI Berlin), Hanne De Jaegher (San Sebastian), Hanne De Jaegher (San Sebastian), and Dan Monster (Aarhus). Proposals: an abstract for a call for posters (approx. 200 words) should be submitted no later than February 15th, 2012. For more information, visit:

The Center for Values and Social Policy (University of Colorado) will hold the sixth annual Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress on 8-11 August 2013, at the University of Colorado. Keynote speakers include Frances Kamm (Harvard University), and Thomas Hurka (Toronto University). Proposals: A 750-1000 word abstract (double spaced and prepared for blind review) should be submitted no later than February 15th, 2013. Email proposals to: For more information, visit:

The Center for Ethics and Poverty Research (University of Salzburg) will hold a conference on 22-24 August 2013, at Salzburg, Austria on “Justice, Taxation, and Social Policy.” Keynote speakers include Isabela Mares (Columbia University), Erich Kirchler (University of Vienna), Paula Casal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), and Hillel Steiner (University of Manchester). For more information, visit:

The Universität des Saarlandes will hold a conference on 10-12 October 2013, in Saarbruecken, Germany on the issue of “Reasons: Action, Belief, Perception.” Keynote speakers include Terence Cuneo (Vermont), Gerhard Ernst (Erlangen), Jennifer Hornsby (Birkbeck), and Asbjorn Steglich-Petersen (Aarhus). Proposals: the deadline for papers is March 31st 2013, and papers should be appropriate for up to a 30 minute talk, and 30 minutes of discussion. For more information, visit:

The George Washington Forum on American Ideas, Politics, and Institutions (Ohio University) will hold a conference on 14-16 November 2013, at Ohio University, Ohio on the issue of “Equality and Public Policy.” Keynote speakers include Gerald Gaus (Arizona), George Sher (Rice University), Scott Winship (Brookings Institute), and Dierdre McCloskey (Illionis-Chicago University). Proposals: a 500-word abstract, a brief curriculum vitae, and current contact information should be sent in by February 1st, 2013. Email proposals to: Dr. Mark LeBar ( For more information, visit:


Amerini, Fabrizio (2013). “Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life” (Harvard University Press). $29.95.

Belliotti, Raymond (2012). “Posthumous Harm: Why the Dead are Still Valuable” (Rowman and Littlefield). $60.00

Boxer, K.E. (2013). “Rethinking Responsibility” (Oxford University Press). $55.00

Briggle Adam and Carl Mitcham (2012). “Ethics and Science: An Introduction” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Comstock, Gary (2013). “Research Ethics: A Philosophical Guide to the Responsible Conduct of Research” (Cambridge University Press). $45.00

Corvino, John (2013). “What’s Wrong with Homosexuality?” (Oxford University Press). $22.95

Costello, Peter (2012). “Philosophy in Children’s Literature” (Rowman and Littlefield). $80.00

Cunningham, Anthony (2013). “Modern Honor: A Philosophical Defense” (Routledge) $125.00

Enemark, Christian (2013). “Armed Drones and the Ethics of War: Military Virtue in a Post-Heroic Age” (Routledge). $135.00

Forst, Rainer (2013). “Toleration in Conflict: Past and Present” (Cambridge University Press). $110.00

Gajjala, Radhika (2012). “Cyberculture and the Subaltern: Weavings of the Virtual and Real” (Rowman and Littlefield). $60.00

Groenfeldt, David (2013). “Water Ethics: A Values Approach to Solving the Water Crisis” (Routledge). $44.95

Heikkero. Topi (2012). “Ethics in Technology” (Rowman and Littlefield). $75.00

Katz, Ralph and Rueben Warren (2012). “The Search for the Legacy of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee”(Rowman and Littlefield). $60.00

Kershnar, Stephen (2012). “For Torture: A Rights Based Defense” (Rowman and Littlefield). $60.00

Kleine, Dorothea. (2012). “Technologies Of Choice?: ICTs, Development, and the Capabilities Approach” (The MIT Press). $34.00.

Levine, David (Dec 2012). “The Capacity for Ethical Conduct” (Routledge). $36.95

Mokrosinska, Dorota (2012). “Rethinking Political Obligation: Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship” (Palgrave Macmillian). £52.25

Newell, Waller R. (2013). “Tyranny: A New Interpretation” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Okeja, Uchenna B. (2012). “Normative Justification of a Global Ethic” (Rowman and Littlefield). $60.00

Ryberg, Jesper (2012). “Recidivist Punishments: The Philosopher’s View” (Rowman  and Littlefield). $65.00

Sandler, Ronald (2012). “The Ethics of Species” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Scherkoske, Greg (2013). “Integrity and the Virtues of Reason” (Cambridge University Press). $95.00

Schonfeld, Martin (2013). “Global Ethics on Climate Change: The Planetary Crisis and Philosophical Alternatives” (Routledge). $145.00

Schrag, Calvin (2012). “Reflections on the Religious, the Ethical, and the Political” (Rowman and Littlefield). $60.00

Taylor-Sands, Michelle (2013). “A Relational Approach to Assisted Reproduction” (Routledge). $135.00

Widdows, Heather (2013). “The Connected Self: The Ethics and Governance of the Genetic Individual” (Cambridge University Press). $99.00

Wilkinson, Dominic (2013). “Death or Disability?: The ‘Carmentis Machine’ and decision-making for critically ill children” (Oxford University Press). $65.00

Vargas, Manuel (2013). “Building Better Beings” (Oxford University Press). $55.00

Vischer, Robert K. (2012). “Martin Luther King Jr. and the Morality of Legal Practice” (Cambridge University Press). $99.00


The Journal of Essays in Philosophy has a special issue (Volume 14, July 2013) on “Cartesian Agency and Ethics: Virtue, Passion, Happiness, Freedom,” guest edited by Shoshana Brassfield (Frostburg State University). Deadline for submissions: January 31st, 2013. For details, visit:

The Journal of Philosophical Studies Humana.Mente has a special issue (Volume 26, April 2014) on “contemporary philosophical and scientific debate,” guest edited by (TBA). Deadline for submissions: February 1st, 2013. For details, email

Theoretical & Applied Ethics has a special issue on “clinical equipoise, a principle first outlined by Benjamin Freedman in ‘Equipoise and the Ethics of Clinical Research,’ published by the New England Journal of Medicine in 1987.” Deadline for submissions:  February 15th, 2013.  For details, email Alexandria Perry – Managing Editor:

Philosophy and Technology has a special issue (Fall 2013) on “the question of bio-machine hybrids,” guest edited by J. Mark Bishop and Yasemin J. Erden. Deadline for submissions: February 28th. 2013. For details, email or

Ethics & Politics has a special issue (Volume XV, Issue 2, December 2013) on “cooperation in nature, science, and society”, guest edited by Dr. Gustavo Cevolani. Deadline for Submissions: February 28th, 2013. For details, email or

The Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics has issued a Call for Contributions. Entries should be 2,000-4,000 words. Deadline for Submissions: March, 2013. For details, visit

The Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies has a special issue on “Disability and the American Counterculture”, guest edited by Stella Bolaki and Chris Gair.  Discussions of specific literary and cultural texts are invited, but preference will be given to projects that use individual texts as vehicles to address broader cultural debates and theoretical inquiries related to disability studies and the American counterculture. A one-page proposal and a one-page curriculum vitae should be emailed to and by the end of July 2013. Finalists will be selected by 1st October 2013, and full drafts of articles will be due on 1st March 2014.


A 5 day course on the Ethical Issues of Medically Assisted Death and Palliative Care in a Pluralistic World will be offer from 26 February to 1st March 2013. For more information, visit:

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) is offering a limited number of visiting fellowships during 2013 for individuals wanting to conduct philosophical research and/or scoping activities for future joint-research. Visiting fellows will be provided work space, and be free to explore all three research faculties as well as surrounding University of London institutions. Applications should be submitted by January 31st. For more information, visit:

A number of honorary post-doctoral Hoover fellowships will be awarded to scholars wishing to spend part of the academic year 2013-14 at Louvain's Hoover Chair in Economic and Social Ethics. They will be provided with office space, internet connection, free access to various other services, and help in finding accommodation. Candidates must be scholars from outside Belgium. Applications should be sent in no later than February 28th. For more information, visit:

The Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford is offering a series of programs in Qualitative Research Methods from January-May 2013. For more information, visit:


If you would like to announce a new research project, publication, call for papers, or upcoming conference in a future issue of this newsletter, please contact us at, or you can write to Christopher A. Riddle, The Applied Ethics Institute / Department of Philosophy, Utica College, 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY 13502, USA. Fax: 315-792-3831.

Special thanks to Adam Brooks for research assistance.

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The Applied Ethics Institute

The Applied Ethics Institute

Utica University
(315) 792-3764
(315) 792-3831 (fax)

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