Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - May 2013

Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - May 2013

Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter

Issue 2, May 2013

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College

  1. Introduction
  2. Upcoming Events at the Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College
  3. Upcoming Conferences
  4. Recent or Forthcoming Publications
  5. Journal Special Issues & Calls for Papers
  6. Fellowships and Courses


The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College organizes an annual colloquium series, policy working groups, and conferences, under the direction of Christopher A. Riddle.

The Institute also produces a newsletter that is distributed thrice-annually, updating readers on recent developments in the field, of which this is the second issue.  The newsletter contains information about upcoming conferences, recent publications, journals, and related research programs. We hope that the newsletter will be of interest to anyone working in the field, whether in academia, the broader community, public service, or various non-governmental organizations. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this newsletter, please contact us at, or visit


The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College will host a public Colloquium on the topic of Gun Control in the Fall of 2013.  In addition to this special talk, the regular Colloquium Series will take place for the 2013-2014 Academic Year.  For further details please visit here, or contact us at


Event: Conference on the issue of “Disability Research.”
Host: The Nordic Network on Disability Research and Finnish Association for Disability Research in Turku, Finland.
Speakers: Eva Feder Kittay, Dan Goodley, Jan Grue, and Kalle Konkkola.
Date: May 30-31, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Practical Ethics.”
Host: The Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics at the University of Victoria (Victoria, BC).
Speakers: Alex Wellington.
Date: June 3-5, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Pragmatism and Political Criticism.”
Host: The London Conference in Critical Thought at the University of London.
Date: 6-7 June, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Pluralism and Conflict: Distributive Justice Beyond Rawls and Consensus.”
Host: The University of Fatih (Istanbul, Turkey).
Speakers: Renato Cristi and Giovanni Giorgini.
Date: June 6-8, 2013.
Event:  Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2013. (Zagreb, Croatia).
Host: The Society for the Advancement of Philosophy.
Date: 12-14 June, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Philosophy of Criminal Punishment.”
Host: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China).
Speakers: Tommie Shelby, T.M. Sanlon.
Date: 18-20 June, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of the “Ethics of Surveillance.”
Host: University of Leeds.
Speakers: Christian Fuchs, Kirstie Ball, Mark Andrejevic, and Charles Raab.
Date: 24-25 June, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Applied Philosophy.”
Host: The Society for Applied Philosophy at the University of Zurich.
Speakers: Cheshire Calhoun, Fabienne Peter, and Rob Reich.
Date: 28-30 June, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Computer Ethics: Philosophical Inquiry.”
Host: UAL & INSEIT (Lisbon, Portugal).
Date: 1-3 July, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Conflict and Harmony.”
Host: The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy and the Australasian Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy.
Date: 8-11 July, 2013.
Event: Conference on the theme of “Crafts, Traditions, and Ideologies: Relations Between Theory and Practice in the Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre.”
Host: The International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry at Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, Michigan).
Speakers: Kenneth Sayre, David Solomon, and Ruth Groff.
Date: July 25-28, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Disability Employment.”
Host: Disability Employment Australia (Adelaide, Australia).
Date: 8-9 August, 2013.
Event: Sixth Annual Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress.
Host: The Center for Values and Social Policy at the University of Colorado.
Speakers: Frances Kamm, and Thomas Hurka.
Date: 8-11 August, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Justice, Taxation, and Social Policy.”
Host: The Center for Ethics and Poverty Research at the University of Salzburg.
Speakers: Isabela Mares, Erich Kirchler, Paula Casal, and Hillel Steiner.
Date: 22-24 August, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Climate Change, Sustainability and an Ethics of an Open Future.”
Host: Kontakt der Kontinenten, Soesterbeg, Netherlands.
Speakers: Docent Jeroen van de Sluis, Simon Caney, Stephen Gardiner, Michael Northcott, Ingrid Robeyns, Hille Haker, Marcus Duwell.
Date: 22-25 August, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Frontiers of Informed Consent.”
Host: The Northeastern Ethics Institute at Northeastern University.
Date: 27-29 August, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “The Value of Work.”
Host: Mansfield College, Oxford.
Date: 1-3 September, 2013.
Event: Workshop on the issue of “Power and Freedom: Theories, Conceptions and Mutual Relations.”
Host: University of Manchester.
CFA/CFP: Abstracts are due by 31 May, 2013.
Date: 4-6 September, 2013.
Event: Workshop on the issue of “Role Ethics.”
Host: University of Manchester.
CFP/CFA: Abstracts are due by 31 May, 2013.
Date: 4-6 September, 2013.
Event: Workshop on the issue of “Ethics and Politics of Healthy Choices.”
Host: University of Manchester.
Date: 4-6 September, 2013.
Event: The 2nd Later German Philosophy Conference.
Host: University of Kent, Canterbury Campus.
Speakers: Andrew Bowie, Sebastian Gardner, Hans-Johann Glock, Edward Kanterian, Joel Katzav, Christine Lopes, Rudolf Makkreel, and Dermot Moran.
Date: 10 September, 2013.
Event: Seventh Meeting of the SEFA.
Host: University Carlos III, Madrid.
Speakers: Maria Jose Frapolli, John Broome, Daniel Hutto, and Joao Branquinho.
Date: 11-14 September, 2013.
Event: Conference on “Argumentation Technologies.”
Host: 14th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems at Corunna, Spain.
CFA/CFP: Abstracts are due by June 6th, 2013. Notification will be given on July 4th, 2013.
Date: 16-17 September, 2013.
Event: Conference on “Politics, Agonism, and Deliberation.”
Host: Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla.
Date: 18-20 September, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Intergenerational Justice: Obligations, Promises, and Failures.”
Host: University of York.
Speakers: Norman Daniels, Axel Gosseries, Anca Gheaus, Shiv Malik, Ed Howker, Clare Coatman, and Angus Hanton.
Date: 19-20 September, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Law, Culture, and Morality.”
Host: University of Illinois.
CFP/CFA: A call for abstracts has been given for abstracts of 150 words: acceptance will be determined no later than a week after submission.
Date: 4-5 October, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Cosmopolitanism and Conflict.”
Host: John Cabot University (Rome, Italy).
Speakers: Daniele Archibugi, Robert Bernasconi, James Bohman, Hauke Brunkhorst, Fred Dallmayr, Costas Douzinas, Patrick Hayden, Pauline Kleingeld, and Sankar Muthu.
Date: 11-13 October, 2013.
Event: International Conference on Applied Ethics.
Host: Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy at Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan).
Speakers: John Kleinig, Paul Thompson, Peter-Paul Verbeek, and Timothy Murphy.
CFP/CFA: Paper writers are requested to submit a 150-300 word abstract in a MS-Word file to CAEP by 30 June, 2013.
Date: 1-3 November, 2013.
Event:  Conference on the issue of “Equality and Public Policy.”
Host: The George Washington Forum on American Ideas, Politics, and Institutions at Ohio University.
Speakers: Gerald Gaus, George Sher, Scott Winship, and Dierdre McCloskey.
Date: 14-16 November, 2013.
Event: Conference on the issue of “Facing Death.”
Host: Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa).
CFP/CFA: Abstracts of at least 500 words (or full papers) sould be sent to Ward E. Jones by 15 August, 2013.
Date: 27-29 November, 2013.
Event: International Society for Environmental Ethics, 2014 Central APA.
Host: Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL.
CFA/CFP: A 3000 word paper or 300 word abstract is due by 15 August, 2013.
Date: 26 February-1 March, 2014.


Amerini, Fabrizio (2013). “Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life” (Harvard University Press). $29.95
Bell, Macalester (2013). “Hard Feelings: The Moral Psychology of Contempt” (Oxford University Press). $49.95
Bellaby, Ross (2013). “Ethics and Intelligence Collection: A New Framework” (Routledge). $135.00
Biggar, Nigel (2013). “In Defense of War” (Oxford University Press). $55.00
Boon, Marcus (2013). “In Praise of Copying” (Harvard University Press). $16.95
Boothroyd, Dave (2013). “Ethical Subjects in Contemporary Culture” (Columbia University Press). $100.00
Boxer, K.E. (2013). “Rethinking Responsibility” (Oxford University Press). $55.00
Burke, Anthony & Lee-Koo, Katina & McDonald, Matt (2013). “Ethics and Global Security” (Routledge). $44.95

Burt, John (2013). “Lincoln’s Tragic Pragmatism: Lincoln, Douglas, and Moral Conflict” (Harvard University Press). $39.95
Campbell, Alastair (2013). “Bioethics: The Basics” (Routledge). $21.95
Chatterjee, Deen (2013). “The Ethics of Preventative War” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99
Cherry, Mark & Iltis, Ana (2013). “Parental Obligations and Bioethics: The Duties of a Creator” (Routledge). $125.00
Choi, Jinhee & Frey, Mattias (2013). “Cine-Ethics: Ethical Dimensions of Film Theory, Practice, and Spectatorship” (Routledge). $125.00
Claeys, Gregory (2013). “Mill and Paternalism” (Cambridge University Press). $99.00
Coates, Anthony (2013). “The Virtues of War” (Routledge). $130.00
Comstock, Gary (2013). “Research Ethics: A Philosophical Guide to the Responsible Conduct of Research” (Cambridge University Press). $45.00
Coons, Christian & Weber, Michael (2013). “Paternalism: Theory and Practice” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99
Corvino, John (2013). “What’s Wrong with Homosexuality?” (Oxford University Press). $22.95
Cunningham, Anthony (2013). “Modern Honor: A Philosophical Defense” (Routledge). $125.00
Dawes, James (2013). “Evil Men” (Harvard University Press). $25.95
Dougherty, M.V. (2013). “Moral Dilemmas in Medieval Thought: From Gratian to Aquinas” (Cambridge University Press). $28.99
Enemark, Christian (2013). “Armed Drones and the Ethics of War: Military Virtue in a Post-Heroic Age” (Routledge). $135.00
Filelfo, Francesco (2013). “On Exile” (Harvard University Press). $29.95
Fleming, James & McClain, Linda (2013). “Ordered Liberty: Rights Responsibilities, and Virtues” (Harvard University Press). $49.95
Forst, Rainer (2013). “Toleration in Conflict: Past and Present” (Cambridge University Press). $110.00
Ganeri, Jonardon (2013). “The Concealed Art of the Soul: Theories of the Self and Practices of Truth in Indian Ethics and Epistemology” (Oxford University Press). $35.00
Garcia, Frank (2013). “Global Justice and International Economic Law: Three Takes” (Cambridge University Press). $99.00
Gardiner, Stephen (2013). “A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change” (Oxford University Press). $24.95
Goodwin, Michele (2013). “The Global Body Market: Altruism’s Limits” (Xambridge University Press). $99.00
Groenfeldt, David (2013). “Water Ethics: A Values Approach to Solving the Water Crisis (Routledge). $44.95
Hare, Caspar (2013). “The Limits of Kindness” (Oxford University Press). $40.00
Hassoun, Nicole (2012). “Globalization and Global Justice: Shrinking Distance, Expanding Obligations” (Cambridge University Press). $50.00
Higgins, Peter (2013). “Immigration Justice” (Columbia University Press). $105.00
Hiller, Avram & Kahn, Leonard (2013). “Consequentialism and Environmental Ethics” (Routledge). $125.00
Hirst, Martin & Patching, Roger (2013). “Journalism Ethics: Arguments and Cases” (Routledge). $64.95
Holder, Cindy & Reidy, David (2013). “Human Rights: The Hard Questions” (Cambridge University Press). $34.99
Hyun, Insoo (2013). “Bioethics and the Future of Stem Cell Research” (Cambridge University Press). $32.99
Kamm, F.M. (2013). “Ethics for Enemies: Terror, Torture, and War” (Oxford University Press). $27.95
Kamm. F.M. (2013). “Bioethical Prescriptions: To Create, End, Choose, and Improve Lives” (Oxford University Press). $35.00
Kasher, Asa (2013). “Ethics of War and Conflict” (Routledge). $975.00
Koppelman, Andrew (2013). “Defending American Religious Neutrality” (Harvard University Press). $55.00
Lamb, Antony (2013). “Ethics and the Laws of War: The Moral Justification of Legal Norms” (Routledge). $135.00
Lillehammer, Hallvard (2013). “The Ethics of Indifference” (Routledge). $140.00
Lyons, David (2013). “Confronting Injustice: Moral History and Political Theory” (Oxford University Press). $55.00
Miller, David (2013). “Justice for Earthlings: Essays in Political Philosophy” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99
Mumford, James (2013). “Ethics at the Beginning of Life” (Oxford University Press). $110.00
Nadelhoffer, Thomas (2013). “The Future of Punishment” (Oxford University Press). $74.00
Neal, Mary (2013). “The Jurisprudence of Pregnancy: Concepts of Conflict, Persons and Property” (Routledge). $125.00
Newell, Waller R. (2013). “Tyranny: A New Interpretation” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99
Owen, David (2013). “Migration and Political Theory” (Routledge). $39.95
Rengger, Nicholas (2013). “Just War and International Order: The Uncivil Condition in World Politics” (Harvard University Press). $29.99
Rosa, Hartmut (2013). “Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity” (Columbia University Press). $35.00
Scheffler, Samuel & Kolodny, Niko (2013). “Death and the Afterlife” (Oxford University Press). $29.95
Scherkoske, Greg (2013). “Integrity and the Virtues of Reason” (Cambridge University Press). $95.00
Schonfeld, Martin (2013). “Global Ethics on Climate Change: The Planetary Crisis and Philosophical Alternatives” (Routledge). $145.00
Seglow, Jonathan (2013). “Defending Associative Duties” (Routledge). $125.00
Setiya, Kieran (2013). “Knowing Right From Wrong” (Oxford University Press). $45.00
Sikka, Sonia (2013). “Herder on Humanity and Cultural Difference: Enlightened Relativism” (Cambridge University Press). $34.99
Steiner, Gary (2013). “Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism” (Columbia University Press). $89.50
Strawser, Bradley & McMahan, Jeff (2013). “Killing by Remote Control: The Ethics of an Unmanned Military” (Oxford University Press). $49.95
Steinberger, Peter (2013). “The Problem with God: Why Atheists, True Believer, and Even Agnostics Must All Be Wrong” (Columbia University Press). $29.50
Su, Huei-chun (2013). “Economic Justice and Liberty: The Social Philosophy in John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism” (Routledge). $130.00
Talbott, William (2013). “Human Rights and Human Well-Being” (Oxford University Press). $29.95
Taylor-Sands, Michelle (2013). “A Relational Approach to Assisted Reproduction” (Routledge). $135.00
Widdows, Heather (2013). “The Connected Self: The Ethics and Governance of the Genetic Individual” (Cambridge University Press). $99.00
Wilkinson, Dominic (2013). “Death or Disability?: The ‘Carmentis Machine’ and decision-making for critically ill children” (Oxford University Press). $65.00
Vargas, Manuel (2013). “Building Better Beings” (Oxford University Press). $55.00
Vincent, Nicole (2013). “Neuroscience and Legal Responsibility” (Oxford University Press). $59.99


Journal: The Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies.
Issue: Disability and the American Counterculture.
Deadline: A one-page proposal and a one-page curriculum vitae is due no later than the end of July 2013. Finalists will be selected by 1 October, 2013.
Journal: Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
Issue: Pain and Pleasure.
Deadline: 1 August, 2013. Publication date is 15 December, 2013.
Submit to: Contact details may be found at:
Journal: Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy.
Issue: Perception without Representation.
Deadline: Deadline for papers is 15 September, 2013.
Submit to: http:/
Journal: Polish Journal of Philosophy.
Issue: Slavery and Emancipation.
Deadline: The special issue is expected to be published within one calendar year. The journal is requesting submissions that do not exceed 8,000 words.
Submit to:


The Department of Philosophy of the University of Kent has issued a call for applications for two summer courses, which are: “Justice: Theory and Applications,” and “Moral Intuitionism: Epistemological and Ethical Aspects.” The first course shall go from 1-12 July, 2013; the second course shall run from 22-31 July, 2013. For more information, visit: or


If you would like to announce a new research project, publication, call for papers, or upcoming conference in a future issue of this newsletter, please contact us at, or you can write to Christopher A. Riddle, The Applied Ethics Institute / Department of Philosophy, Utica College, 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY 13502, USA. Fax: 315-792-3831.

Special thanks to Adam Brooks for research assistance.

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The Applied Ethics Institute

The Applied Ethics Institute

Utica University
(315) 792-3764
(315) 792-3831 (fax)

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